Updated: April 15th 2009 (updated for 3.1)
Major Glyphs
- Glyph of Chimera Shot (PvE/PvP)
Best glyph for Marks PvE
- Glyph of Explosive Shot (PvE/PvP)
Best glyph for Survival PvE
- Glyph of Explosive Trap (PvE)
- Glyph of Kill Shot (PvE/PvP)
2nd best glyph for Survival PvE
3rd best glyph for Marks PvE
5th best glyph for BM PvE
- Glyph of Raptor Strike (PvP)
However, Raptor Strike is on a 6 second cooldown, so theoretically I could have 20% damage reduction up half the time.
Realistically it is tough to use Raptor Strike when trying to get to range as it is a next melee attack move and not an instant like Mongoose Bite.
- Glyph of Scatter Shot (PvP)
- Glyph of Mending (PvE/PvP)
- Glyph of Steady Shot (PvE)
2nd best glyph for BM PvE
3rd best glyph for Survival PvE
4th best glyph for Marks PvE
- Glyph of Serpent Sting (PvE/PvP)
2nd best glyph for Marks PvE
4th best glyph for BM PvE
5th best glyph for Survival PvE
- Glyph of Bestial Wrath (PvE/PvP)
Best glyph for BM PvE
- Glyph of Trueshot Aura (PvE/PvP)
6th best glyph for Marks PvE
Some Marksmanship and especially Survival builds are incorporating this Glyph with only 1 point into Improved Aspect of the Hawk. So in effect this Glyph makes 1 talent point in IAotH equal to 3 talent points in IAotH. This allows a Marksmanship or Survival Hunter to spend more time in the other two trees.
3rd best glyph for BM PvE
4th best glyph for Marks PvE
4th best glyph for Survival PvE
- Glyph of Frost Trap (PvP)
- Glyph of Disengage (PvP)
- Glyph of Freezing Trap (PvP)
- Glyph of Wyvern Sting (PvP)
- Glyph of Hunter's Mark (PvE)
6th best glyph for BM PvE
7th best glyph for Marks PvE
7th best glyph for Survival PvE
- Glyph of Volley (PvE)
Minor Glyphs
- Glyph of Feign Death (PvE/PvP)
This Minor Glyph is one of the best.
- Glyph of Mend Pet (PvE)
Before 3.0.8 it applied 20 happiness only at the beginning of Mend Pet. After 3.0.8 it now applies 20 happiness for every tick of Mend Pet, making this Minor Glyph very useful for quickly raising your pets happiness in combat.
- Glyph of Revive Pet (PvE/PvP)
This might be semi-useful if you already have the Improved Revive Pet talent.
- Glyph of Scare Beast (PvP)
This might be semi-useful at more easily fearing Druids while being attacked.
Version 87A of the EJ spreadsheet for SV shows the Serpent Sting Glyph > Steady Shot Glyph by at least 48dps. Most likely due to the extra damage without needing to trigger the GCD to sting again. If this is correct, the Serpent Sting Glyph would be the third best for SV hutners.
I'm not showing any change in the latest spreadsheet.
Serpent Sting glyph for Survival Hunters is still worth 40 DPS and Steady Shot glyph is still worth 45 DPS.
If you were Marksman, than the Serpent Sting glyph shines.
So as MM specc you would use chimera glyph, kill shot glyph and serpent sting glyhp?
What about glyph of Rapid Fire? You haven't commented on that at all.
I don't mention the Glyph of Rapid Fire because it is the worst DPS Glyph there is for every Hunter tree. The glyph just simply isn't worth mentioning (it gives about 5-10 DPS).
after 3.1.3 patch does glyph of hunter's mark jump up the list much based on 500 ap for base ability + 3 points in IHM would be 650 ap so hunter's mark glyph i'm guessing is now worth 130 ap?
That would assume that the glyph is not based off the base Hunter's Mark attack power, which I think it is.
So the talents and the glyph do not affect each other, if they are both based off the base attack power of Hunter's Mark.
I assume this is the case since the spreadsheet is modeled in this way (getting the talents does not boost the glyph dps, and getting the glyph does not boost the talent dps).
"Glyph of Hunter's Mark (PvE)
This makes my level 80 Hunter's Mark apply 60 more attack power.
6th best glyph for BM PvE
7th best glyph for Marks PvE
7th best glyph for Survival PvE "
where stands glyph of hunter's mark with 100ap now ?
As Marks it will give 49 DPS, which is right around Kill Shot, Steady Shot, Aspect of the Hawk and Trueshot Aura glyph.
I'm guessing it would be around the same DPS for Survival.
As BM I'm guessing it wouldn't be as great, but still decent (45ish DPS, since it doesn't benefit my pet).
Where is aimed shot glyph?
Forgot to add it to the page when they added it to the game.
Aimed Shot glyph is a great choice for PvP and an okay choice for PvE.
I'm wondering how glyph of serpent sting benefits a Marksmanship hunter. It may increase the amount of time the sting is on but isn't that irrelevant considering Chimaera shot refreshes the sting and the hunter is using it each time it's off cooldown?
I probably simply don't understand the mechanic, so an explanation would be much appreciated.
And damage boost or time increase on Serpent Sting leads to an outright damage boost to the Serpent Sting portion of Chimera Shot (it makes your Chimera Shot hit harder).
Having 3 in IHM and the glyph, the tooltip, which I never really rely on anyway, says HM increases AP by 750. Well, that is for all attackers, too.
There are more talents where the whole raid benefits instead of just the hunter and I'm most certain that thinking in benefit of the raid is much more important than only worrying about having the highest DPS in recount and everyone who does not value this, is a really short-sighted thinker.
All ranged attackers (aka Hunters). If you have 2 or more other Hunters in your raid then it is definitely worth it. If you only have one other Hunter than it might be worth it.
i do have to say that upon reading this i have broadened my knowledge of hunters i currently have a lvl62 orc hunter on frostmane and i heard the survival spec is the best for end game raiding and the the info u provided on these forums is a big help for me i look forward to more posts here to kinda help out in the future ... aka 3.3 ( Icecrown Citadel)
if u still play ur hunter and raid with him/her can u link ur armory so i can see what ur gear is in which u have this dps ... cause i am an avid raider and i get gear fast and im trying to calculate how fast i can get to the dps chart u posted
If I am a Marksmanship Hunter it does buff the damage of my Chimera Shot Serpent Sting portion by a solid amount, which is great for PvE and PvP.
2nd best glyph for Marks PvE
But Chimera Shot also refreshes Serpent Sting. So wouldn't it be a waste in MM specs? For PvP I see if helpful, but not for PvE.
"So wouldn't it be a waste in MM specs?"
The glyph increases the duration of SS, without changing the damage it deals per tick. So basically, it adds a few ticks to the ability, thus increasint total dmg.
I understand SS glyph increases the duration of SS. and chimera would hit harder IF it is not shot when off cd but rather once 20 secs. the question is, is it better to shot chimera once in 20 secs just before serpent weares off or shot it imediately when available (in which case SS glyph has no point being used)
Always use Chimera Shot whenever it is available. It hits for too much damage for you to wait while you could be doing more damage by using it.
This is untrue. serpent sting affect the period of time which it lasts. meaning x dmg over 15 sec. and turns it into x dmg over 21. the x value remains teh same it merely means it lasts longer which means less refreshing (this saves you mana, and opens a GCD for anotehr attack) as MM this glyph is absoultely pointless
Test it on the target dummy. It does affect the damage of the serpent sting portion of Chimera Shot. A must have glyph for any Marksman Hunter atm.
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